Sunday, January 9, 2011

Second Amendment Solutions

The right to life stops at amendment 2.

The politics of acrimony must stop.

We have become a fearful nation. Fear is easy. It's cynical, it's cheap and it works.
And it always trumps hope. Trust me.

Arizona has circled the wagons and formed a firing squad.

Must be something in the tea.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The tail will now wag the dog.

John Boehner's orange terror alert has dropped to high yellow.

The short attention span generation, the "independents", will be the death of Democracy.

If you can't do it now do it now.

In the future we will vote every day.

The Constitution will be on Wikipedia. Write what you want.

Civil discourse is bad for TV rantings.

We can't destroy the environment, it will be here long after we are gone.

Will we be 50 countries or 50 states? The United Republics of America. Would that be small enough government? The Constitution would be a suggestion.

God will bless favored Republics.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Best Government Money Can Buy

You can't put a price limit on free speech.

America 2.0 will be new and improved.